Attestation Pro

What is the difference between Verification and Attestation

Identity attestation and identity verification are related concepts but differ in their focus and implementation

Identity Verification

  • Identity verification is the process of confirming that an individual is who they claim to be.
  • It typically involves validating the information provided by the individual against reliable sources such as government-issued IDs, utility bills, or credit reports.
  • Identity verification may include verifying personal details such as name, date of birth, address, and sometimes additional information like Social Security number or biometric data.
  • The primary goal of identity verification is to establish the authenticity of an individual’s identity.

Identity Attestation

  • Identity attestation, on the other hand, is the process of confirming the authenticity of an individual’s identity by relying on external sources or credentials.
  • It involves gathering evidence or credentials from trusted authorities or systems to support the claimed identity.
  • Identity attestation often relies on mechanisms such as digital signatures, certificates, or cryptographic proofs to verify the validity of identity claims.
  • The focus of identity attestation is not only on confirming the identity but also on providing additional assurance about the trustworthiness of the claimed identity.

In summary, while identity verification focuses on confirming the accuracy of personal information provided by an individual, identity attestation goes further by relying on external sources or credentials to provide additional assurance about the authenticity and trustworthiness of the claimed identity.